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  • We offer a 3 year old and 4 year old Pre-Kindergarten program. Our 3 year old program is available 2 days of the week for half days in the morning. Our 4 year old program is available either 3 or 5 full days per week.

  • In our Pre-Kindergarten program, students are engaged in Religion, Math, Phonics, and Handwriting lessons each day. Science and Social Studies lessons take place as time permits. Students also attend specials classes such as Art, Music, Computer, Library, and Physical Education once per week.

  • Our pre-school teachers strongly believe in Piaget's theory that "play is the work of childhood." Students will have structured play time each day in both the morning and afternoon. Both indoor and outdoor play will take place, weather permitting. By discovering through play, students will build gross and fine motor skills, develop language and vocabulary, learn to solve problems and resolve conflict, strengthen imagination and creativity, and ​emphasize the importance of sharing appropriately, using manners, and being respectful towards others, among many other things. Learning through play will help prepare students for their transition into Kindergarten by exposing them to early academic concepts (shapes, letters, numbers, stories, etc.)

  • Pre-Kindergarten students are paired up with our 8th Grade Class in our "buddy system." Our buddies do many fun projects together throughout the year including arts & crafts, STREAM activities, service projects, and more. Our Pre-Kindergarten students love their "big kid" buddies and really look up to them as positive role models. They are always the first people they look for out on the playground or walking through the halls. When the time comes for our 8th Grade students to move on to high school, the students are always very sad to see them go but also look forward to getting a new buddy in Kindergarten. Our buddy system is an incredible way for Pre-Kindergarten students to get used to their new environment by pairing them with our oldest students, many of whom started out in our Pre-Kindergarten program themselves.

  • Our Pre-Kindergarten is a faith-based program. Our students pray daily and attend mass with our school family each month to learn about God's love for each of us.

  • A daily lunch takes place each day at 10:45AM. Pre-Kindergarten students may purchase a hot lunch from our daily school lunch program. They may also bring a lunch from home if desired. There is also a scheduled snack time each day.

  • If you have any further questions about enrolling your student in our Pre-Kindergarten program, please call the school at 570-457-2553.

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