Holy Rosary School
Duryea, PA

About Us

Holy Rosary School is a Catholic elementary school located in
Duryea, Pennsylvania. Holy Rosary School is part of the
Holy Redeemer Regional School System of the Diocese of Scranton.
Diocese of Scranton Mission Statement
We, the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Scranton, are committed to educate students and their families in the Catholic Faith. We provide a Catholic education that is spiritually sound and academically excellent. We strive to prepare our students to be faith filled leaders and life-long learners dedicated to serving the church and society.
Holy Rosary School Mission Statement
Holy Rosary School, inspired by our founders, the Bernardine Franciscans, strives to educate students and nurture their relationship with God within our Christian Community. Teaching by example, we seek to empower students to become spiritually committed Catholics, life-long learners, and moral leaders within their communities. We believe:
Each person is created in God's image and therefore deserves dignity and respect.
Our Catholic environment encourages high moral, ethical, and intellectual standards.
Learning is an ongoing process, building upon a strong educational foundation.
Each individual should learn in an environment that is safe and nurturing.
Quality education embraces student's individual abilities and learning styles.
Collaboration of faculty and parents offers shared insights and support in the Catholic education of students.
Faculty and students endeavor to use their talents and faith to be Christ for each other, for the community, and for the world.