Holy Rosary School
Duryea, PA

Students in grades 1-3 are regularly engaged in the following curricular areas: Religion, Math, English Language Arts (Phonics, Spelling, Reading, & Writing), Science, and Social Studies. They remain with the same teacher for the duration of the school day, excluding their special classes.
Students in Grade 4 are regularly engaged in the following curricular areas: Religion, Math, English Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, Reading, & Writing), Science, and Social Studies. They remain with the same teacher for most of the school day, excluding their special classes and Math.
Students in Grade 5 are regularly engaged in the following curricular areas: Religion, Math, English Language Arts (Grammar, Spelling, Reading, & Writing), Science, and Social Studies. They remain with the same teacher for most of the school day, excluding their special classes, English, and Science. Students in Grade 5 also participate in Junior Achievement, one of our co-curriculars. More information available here.
Students also attend the following specials classes once per week: Art, Music, Library, Computer, and Physical Education.
Students in grades 2-5 also attend a Foreign Language class once per week.